Friday, July 18, 2008

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Ugly Shoes

So there's an apartment on the first floor of my building that always has shoes sitting outside the door. I guess whoever lives there has some kind of phobia about bringing germs in on their shoes. Usually it's a pair of men's black shoes, or maybe some flip flops, but today I saw a pair of big red Crocs fit for a clown.

It crossed my mind for a split second that I should take the shoes and leave a note that says "You'll thank me for this" and then dump the shoes in a garbage can on the way out...but that would be really mean. Even though I would love nothing more than to sweep the country of its ugly tourist shoe habit.

1 comment:

Moe Wanchuk said...

Jen...I think you're missing the point. Losers (like myself) do stuff like that to intrigue the ladies. You see, it's probably some pencil neck that lives there, but he buys the biggest shoes he can find....leaves them outside the make girls "wonder."

It's the "Wow..he has Big Feet..he must have a Big............"

Hope this helped